How to work from home

by John Biggs I’ve been working from home for twenty years. At this point in my career, I actually like going into an office once in a while, if only for the free snacks, but I would never commute nor would I go in if I didn’t have an absolute need, like a video shoot or something that required my

How to handle content management during a layoff

An ill wind is blowing in the markets these days and you might be in the unenviable position of weathering a layoff. Here are some tips for maintaining content continuity when you might be losing employees in a layoff. Prioritize content processes  Create a spreadsheet or Airtable of all content that needs to be written, has been written, and has been edited/posted.

The best gifts for the writer in your life

Writers are picky. They are picky about their tools, their software, and their writing spaces. And when the muse strikes, heaven forefend if they don’t have the right gear. Luckily, you can help them out. Here are our picks for great gifts for the writers (or writers-to-be) in your life. The Moleskine Soft Cover Journal Moleskine is famous for these

How to write a byline article

So you, your CEO, or your client wants to make a name for themselves. That’s great. But the only way to win in the thought leadership game is through bylined articles in major publications which lead to speaking spots and further media and academic attention. The first tool – the byline article – is usually the hardest to acquire. Here are

5 Tips for Writing Better Blog Posts

Building a corporate blog is a tough job and folks who haven’t written very much for public consumption can find themselves stuck. Here are some tips from real pros who write daily. The tl;dr? Writing takes practice and you should treat it like any skill by spending time and effort on getting it right. Here’s a guide to making the

Common mistakes when writing content

It sure can be frustrating when your content doesn’t get the attention it deserves. By avoiding these six common mistakes, you can easily make better content and get your readers’ attention.  Unremarkable, boring headline The headline is the first thing your audience sees, so make sure it’s exciting and creative. However, avoid clickbait-sounding headers. They are viewed as unprofessional and

When to use AI-generated content

Writers rejoice! Your jobs are safe. As we all know, AI-generated text isn’t exactly the best. In fact, three in five people say they prefer text written by people to that created by machines. There are also some issues with the computer-generated text; for many, the most important one might be that Google flags AI-generated content as spam. An experiment

Targeting busy customers in the back-to-school season

Back-to-school season is upon us. The school has started, the universities are opening, and people are opening their wallets to foot the bill for all the back-to-school essentials.  The Deloitte back-to-school survey expects this year’s shopping expenses to skyrocket due to inflation, driving up spending up to 8%, with the market size “estimated to be $34.4B, up 5.8% YoY.”  However,

How to write eye-catching summer content

It’s hot and sunny, and many of us are now daydreaming about sitting on a beach with a cocktail in hand, not a worry in our minds. Some lucky ones are living the dream and have already departed on their summer vacation trips. However, when the weather is hot, and everyone’s minds are turned to relaxation and work is not

AI and the Future of News

Worried AI will steal your job and make journalists and copywriters obsolete? AI is getting more sophisticated and can do things many wouldn’t have believed possible decades ago. However, will it take over news reporters’ jobs altogether? According to an experiment conducted by Financial Times, that’s unlikely. It proved that journalists have nothing to fear when it comes to keeping