
How to write a press release

Every company has to issue a press release sooner or later. This document is a piece of writing that informs the outside world about your company, and if written well, it may boost your business. Here are five tips for writing an attention-grabbing press release and a press release cheat sheet. Tip 1. Press releases are for news only. It

The best writing tool to use?

Sorry to disappoint, but there’s no such thing. The best writing tool is the one that works best for you. That means you may have to do some searching before you find your favorite. Everyone has different needs, but we’re here to offer you a small overview of possible choices. Good ol’ pen and paper. I know, I know. But

Write for an audience of one

Every text has an author and a reader. The author—you—tells a story. Whether it’s a business pitch or a blog post, a piece of fiction or a strictly academic text. However, there’s also a person on the other side of the screen, the person who reads the words once they’re published—the reader. When writing, you should always keep the reader

Pitching during a pandemic

Today we celebrate John’s new book, Get Funded! and offer a bit of advice on how to get things done in a pandemic. If you’re building a business, you’re going to be pitching. And if you’re pitching today, during COVID, you are going to be pitching virtually. This is classic good news, bad news situation. The good news: VCs and

People love human stories. Tell them one.

What makes your business different than all your competitors’? What makes you special? You might be tempted to simply share data, facts, and figures to draw in customers. However, paradoxically, that’s not the most effective strategy at your disposal. It’s not facts and figures that stay in your consumers’ minds; the human brain is simply not wired that way. The

Are you ready to pitch your startup?

Whoa, there, founder. Don’t pitch until you’re ready. Most founders can’t wait to tell the world about what they’ve built. But there’s an art to pitching and there’s a time for every pitch. When it comes to pitching, the rule of thumb is that you have to have something the funder or the journalist can try and use. You can’t

How to “write clean”

Writing is hard but “writing clean” helps. Hemingway once wrote that “there is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” That’s fine if you’re writing The Sun Also Rises, but it doesn’t help if you’re trying to write a memo or a marketing email. Our first bit of advice? Instead of pouring out