
Mastering the Art of Copywriting in the Digital Age

In the digital age, crafting compelling copy is not just a skill, but an art form. It requires a blend of creativity, strategic thinking, and a deep understanding of the audience’s needs. Here are some expert tips on how to master this art and create engaging, effective content. Consider the problem your copy is solving. Prioritize your audience’s needs over

Building my own guillotine

By John Biggs I’ve been messing with generative AI for the past month or so and, over the last few weeks, I’ve finally put together something extremely interesting. But first, some context. When I first started blogging, I used to write 28 posts a day. We’d get paid by the post and for traffic so the goal was to get

AI is someone else’s intelligence

We came across a very interesting article about AI that everyone should consider before, well, laying off an entire design team or in-house marketing group. It’s by Jonathan Zdziarski. In the piece he writes that AI isn’t artificial intelligence, it’s someone else’s intelligence. We’ll quote liberally here because these points are important: The danger of this type of ML is

Why you shouldn’t depend on AI for email newsletters

We asked our ChatGPT assistant, Quickbeast, to write a newsletter with a prompt: Write a 500-word post about why you shouldn’t depend on AI for email newsletters. This is what we got: by Quickbeast Email newsletters are a great way to keep your customers informed about your business and its offerings. However, it is important to remember that relying solely

How I use GPT-3 to save five minutes or less a day

by John Biggs I create a lot of content. Way too much. I blast it out, forget about it, and then make some more. I’m used to it and I’ve been doing it for decades. Like most content slingers, I find ChatGPT to be simultaneously exciting and repellent. It’s exciting because it produces content that is eminently readable. Repellent because

How to try GPT3 right now

by John Biggs If you’ve been hanging out waiting to use ChatGPT then I’ve got something for you. I coded this up yesterday and thought it might be a fun tool for you all to try. It’s basically an interface to GPT-3 that connects to the API via the code I shared last week. You can try it out at

How to use GPT3 to augment your creativity

by John Biggs First, this post wasn’t written using GPT3. I’m not that self-destructive. But I’m here to tell you that when it comes to starting long-form content for your blogging or marketing needs. As I noted before, the current crop of AI-assisted tools is designed to make aesthetic sense, not literal sense. The writing that these tools provide, be it code or

How to write a byline article

So you, your CEO, or your client wants to make a name for themselves. That’s great. But the only way to win in the thought leadership game is through bylined articles in major publications which lead to speaking spots and further media and academic attention. The first tool – the byline article – is usually the hardest to acquire. Here are

How to Create an SEO-Friendly Landing Page

We’ve already discussed how to create a landing page. Now, let’s have a look at how to keep your landing page SEO-optimized. It’ll help you get more organic traffic and hopefully, more clients. Here are five tips on creating an SEO-friendly landing page.  URL matters Your URL is like your business card—it should provide search engines with your most important details.

How to Write with SEO in Mind?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a set of guidelines to optimize your content to get higher rankings in search engines’ results. It can help make your content clearer and more easily understandable, all the while bringing more traffic to your website.