Getting attention on Facebook

If done right, social media are a great opportunity to promote your business. Facebook, which still remains the largest social media platform, is no exception. By posting the right type of content at the right time, you’ve got a chance of getting new followers and, even more importantly, new clients.

Like every other platform, there are some Facebook-specific rules to getting your posts noticed. Here’s some advice on how to get attention on Facebook.

Check when your audience is online. It might be a bit of a hit and miss at first, but by posting at different times you might check your audience’s engagement. Facebook tools will provide you with relevant statistics, so you don’t even need any third-party tools for that.

Post regularly. By posting daily, you’ll boost your visibility. While it’s best to keep your posts related to your business, keep your posts short. Refrain from posting walls of text often. Sure, company or product updates are interesting but keep them brief and to the point. Otherwise, you will lose your audience’s attention quickly.

Post videos, images, and entertaining content. Visuals get much more attention than textual posts. Videos are most shareable.

Ask questions and engage with your audience. Ask for feedback. Calls to action and questions get more engagement than posts that don’t require your audience to do anything.

Post offers on Facebook. Promo codes and specials provide value to the audience. It’s also an incentive for them to follow your Facebook page and a show of appreciation to your faithful followers.

Join Facebook groups to get new followers. If you’re only starting out, this may be a great chance for your small business to get attention. You can then target your audiences more specifically, rather than hoping for them to find you on Facebook.

If you need help writing your Facebook posts, we can help. Email us.

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