How to Get in the Mood to Write

how to get in a mood to write

Do you have to get your writing done but have absolutely no motivation to sit down and do it? Does every Word session feel like a battle that you’re losing? Everyone has trouble getting in the mood to start writing from time to time. Here are some hacks to get the creative juices flowing.

Create a writing space.

If you’re struggling with writing, find a spot that is separate from your day-to-day. Remove clutter and keep it neat. Go there whenever you’re trying to get in the flow. It might be your desk, the kitchen table, or even your favorite armchair. Heck, we recommend hitting a coffee shop or bar.

Find the right soundtrack.

If you find silence distracting, look for a soundtrack for writing. It might take a few tries, but discovering the right music might make all the difference. If listening to your favorite artist doesn’t do the trick, try classical music, game or movie soundtracks, or ambient sounds. One of our favorite genres is orchestral soundtracks. They’re often very uplifting and a lack of words will allow you to focus. Find what makes you focus better.

Set up a routine.

Are you trying to make a habit out of writing? Choose a time to start and the length of time you’re going to work, and stick to it. It’s great to establish a routine because just that can help teach your brain to get in the right mood.

Establish writing rituals.

Sometimes, creating small rituals can help you greatly. Get a cup of tea, coffee, or any kind of beverage you like before you sit down to write. Even if it doesn’t help immediately, it might help you establish a routine your body will start recognizing. After some time, your brain might recognize that getting something nice to drink and sitting down in front of your computer means business.

Be kind to yourself.

Don’t expect the impossible from yourself. Sometimes, you might have off days. Sometimes, words may just fail you. It happens to the best of us.

Your first draft won’t necessarily be a masterpiece, but that’s okay. In order to create anything, you first need to start and get your thoughts down on paper. That means your first draft doesn’t have to be cohesive; you might end up with a disjointed text and then fix it up. That’s what the editing process is for.

And if you feel ambitious, try writing a 50,000-word long manuscript in just 30 days for NaNoWriMo. Here is how it’s done!

Do you need some help with editing your writing? Let us know — we’d love to help!

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