September 2020

How to read like a writer

When reading for pleasure, readers do not pay close attention to the inner workings of the text. There’s a thing many casual readers fail to see, the most important of which is that every piece of writing has been created with a purpose in mind. Be it a novel, a news article, or a company blog post. Every writer has

Pitching during a pandemic

Today we celebrate John’s new book, Get Funded! and offer a bit of advice on how to get things done in a pandemic. If you’re building a business, you’re going to be pitching. And if you’re pitching today, during COVID, you are going to be pitching virtually. This is classic good news, bad news situation. The good news: VCs and

People love human stories. Tell them one.

What makes your business different than all your competitors’? What makes you special? You might be tempted to simply share data, facts, and figures to draw in customers. However, paradoxically, that’s not the most effective strategy at your disposal. It’s not facts and figures that stay in your consumers’ minds; the human brain is simply not wired that way. The