Why you shouldn’t depend on AI for email newsletters

why not to depend on AI to write

We asked our ChatGPT assistant, Quickbeast, to write a newsletter with a prompt: Write a 500-word post about why you shouldn’t depend on AI for email newsletters. This is what we got:

by Quickbeast

Email newsletters are a great way to keep your customers informed about your business and its offerings. However, it is important to remember that relying solely on artificial intelligence (AI) for your email newsletters can be a risky move.

AI is a powerful tool, but it is not perfect. AI can be used to automate certain tasks, such as sending out emails, but it cannot replace the human touch. AI cannot understand the nuances of customer relationships, nor can it provide the personalized touch that customers expect from a business.

AI can also be unreliable. AI algorithms are designed to learn from data, but they can be easily fooled by false data. This can lead to inaccurate results, which can be damaging to your business. Additionally, AI algorithms can be slow to adapt to changing customer needs and preferences.

AI can also be expensive. AI algorithms require a lot of computing power, which can be costly. Additionally, AI algorithms require a lot of data to be trained, which can also be expensive.

Finally, AI can be difficult to implement. AI algorithms require a lot of technical expertise to set up and maintain. This can be a challenge for businesses that do not have the resources or expertise to do so.

In conclusion, while AI can be a powerful tool for automating certain tasks, it is important to remember that it cannot replace the human touch. AI can be unreliable, expensive, and difficult to implement, so it is important to consider other options for your email newsletters.

Human-driven email newsletters are still the best way to keep your customers informed and engaged. They provide a personalized touch that AI cannot match, and they are more reliable and cost-effective. Additionally, they require less technical expertise to set up and maintain.

For these reasons, it is important to remember that AI should not be the only tool you rely on for your email newsletters. Human-driven newsletters are still the best way to keep your customers informed and engaged.

* If some of the above statements don’t seem accurate that’s because we had an AI write this newsletter. Basically, the AI knows about the world up to the year 2019 so it can’t comment on a lot of current affairs. Further, it has no way to tell a real “story.” Instead, it writes things that sound and look pleasant to the reader. Imagine this post is basically like one of those AI images of a unicorn flying through space – very clever but not very real.

Contact us if you want a newsletter that doesn’t read like this. We have great human writers who can draft engaging pieces, with or without AI.

Photo by Rock’n Roll Monkey on Unsplash

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