So, you’ve had a fantastic idea for a blog post. You’ve chosen your topic, done the research, and written an amazing piece. You’ve even optimized it for SEO. Now, it’s been published on your website, and… that’s the end?
Writing the post is only the first step in its publication process. No matter how great your piece is, it’s not worth a lot if no one reads it.
Cross-post it on social media. By providing excerpts of your writing and posting links to your articles on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, your outreach grows. Finding niche groups on Facebook can help you reach people who are actually interested in the topic you’re writing about. If you have some money to spare, you can try out Facebook Ads.
Adapt your posts to the platform. Twitter and Facebook posts are vastly different; they use different formats. While Twitter favors short Tweets, other social media platforms have different requirements. When possible, use graphics as they draw more attention and are likely to bring in more people.
Schedule your posts to reach most people. Find out the high-traffic times for each platform to reach more people. Good timing is everything here. By posting at down-times, your posts may go completely unnoticed. Consider reposting your posts to reach different time zones.
Interact with your followers. Reply to their comments; thank them for sharing your articles. Show your appreciation and gratitude so that people know they’re seen.
Engage with your readers. Ask them questions, conduct surveys, make sure they know their voice matters. For instance, you can ask them to help you choose your next subject.
You’ve got a piece you’d like looked over? Email us, we’d love to help!